Maintenance systems and associated software used within Lincolnshire County Council - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the maintenance systems and associated software used within the local council.  


Specifically, I would like to request the following information:


1) The name(s) of the software used for maintenance management systems (Typically known as CMMS, EAM, Asset Management, Facilities Management) within the council.


2) The number of users licensed to use the maintenance management system software.


3) The annual cost associated with the maintenance management system software.


4) The individual or department responsible for managing and overseeing the maintenance management system software.


5)The expiration date of the current contract(s) for the maintenance management system software.


Additionally, I would also like to request information regarding the following:


6) The software used to manage the allocation of equipment within the council, for example lawn mowers, road sweepers, waste collection vehicles.


7) Additionally, to this, how are the above jobs allocated.


8) The software used for maintaining buildings, homes, playgrounds, green spaces & grounds etc. within the local council.


9) The software used for registering accidents or damages within all equipment or assets owned or leased within the facility.


10) How failures of equipment, machinery, vehicles, damages to property and supplies are logged within the facility.


11) Name of software used to ensure equipment, machinery and any other items are fit for use for example periodic testing and calibration, for example fire extinguishers.


12) With property, how are they maintained, how is the data logged for example testing, alarm checks, inspections of homes and which software is used to support this if any?


1. Concerto.


2. Unlimited.


3. £30,000 per year.


4. Vinci.


5. 31 March 2025


6. Not applicate. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) do not use software to allocate gritters.


7. Lincolnshire County Council issue a gritting run instructions through the Vaisala Road DSS software system.


8. Concerto.


9. Concerto.


10. Gritter defects are reported to our Maintenance Provider by the TruCheck system.


11. Not applicable – LCC do not use software to calibrate gritters.


12. Concerto CAFM system.

Reference number
Date request received
4 April 2024
Date of decision
2 May 2024