Average Call Handling Times (AHTs) within the Contact Centre - Find a freedom of information request


Average Call Handling Times (AHTs) within your Contact Centre, as this information may help to support us with this task:

1. Do you have a target AHT for Adult Social Care calls?

a) If so, what is the target and how is this measured?

b) Are you consistently able to meet this target?

2.  Do you have a target AHT for Childrens Social Care Calls?

a) If so, what is the target and how is this measured?

b)  Are you consistently able to meet this target?

3.  Do you have a target AHT for non-social care related calls and is this broken down by service?

a)  If so, what is the target(s)?

4. How did you decide your average call handling time targets and how often do you review these?


Lincolnshire County Council doesn’t have any AHT targets for services at the Customer Service Centre.

Reference number
FOI 9335662
Date request received
Date of decision