Content Management Platforms - Find a freedom of information request


Corporate website

1. What Content Management Platform is used to manage the Local Authority's corporate website?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

b. Renewal date for the contract

c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your content management system in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the name, email and phone of the individual responsible for the content management system within your organisation.

School closures

1. What School Closures system is used by the Local Authority's to report and manage school closures?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

b. Renewal date for the contract

c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your school closures system in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for school closures within your organisation.


1. What system is used by the Local Authority's to promote fostering through the Local Authority?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

b. Renewal date for the contract

c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering site in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for promoting fostering within your organisation.

6. Does the Local Authority use software to make fostering placements?

7. If so, is this developed in house or by an external provider?

8. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

b. Renewal date for the contract

c. Annual support cost

9. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering solution in the next 12 months?

10. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for making fostering placements within your organisation.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Corporate website

1. Jadu

2. The content is developed in-house using the Jadu Creative Platform.

3-5. For all contract information please log on to you will need to register but this is free to do.

School closures

1. In relation to statutory consultations on potential school closures, there is no specialised School Closures electronic system to report and manage this process.

2. N/a

3. N/a

4. No

5. Matthew Clayton,, Interim Head of Capital Reform & Education Sufficiency Fostering

1. Internal Comms

2. In house

3. N/a

4. LCC keep our sites under constant review, and update our recruitment and retention strategy annually which includes the reviews of our website

5. Emily McAllister – Fostering North Team Manager

6. Yes

7. External

8. Mosaic

Reference number
FOI 8942685
Date request received
Date of decision