Personal budgets policy for carers and users - Find a freedom of information request


Lincolnshire county council carried out a consultation exercise via a commissioned service, with regard to the personal budgets policy for carers and users in November last year.

1. Where this consultation took place?

2. How many personal budget holders were there?

3. How many carers with a personal budget where there.

4. What the written remit of the consultation was ( provide documents names can be redacted)

5. What views where given by those in attendance.

6. What the authority did with those views. 

7. If there was a change of policy due to this consultation or subsequent changes please supply a link or a copy of the changed policy.


can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The County Council is not undertaking consultation, but is currently undertaking a piece of co-production work, to ensure people with lived experience of being a carer can inform process changes for receiving a personal budget. This is being facilitated by the charity EveryOne. The work is still ongoing, with one virtual meeting held so far, with further hybrid events planned to give people the opportunity to attend.

2. There were 903 carers receiving a personal budget for the financial period 2023-24.

3. See question 2

4. The scope of this co-production is to understand fully the process of how the Local Authority provides a Carers Personal Budget for people, the challenges faced by those involved, and the impact of Carers Personal Budgets.

5. This work has only just begun and we have not yet gained any views.

6. This work has only just begun and we have not yet gained the views of the people involved.

7. Changes in policy are out of scope for this project, we are looking at ensuring the process is as user friendly as possible.

Reference number
FOI 9300081
Date request received
Date of decision