Information in relation to Residential Family Centres (2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024) - Find a freedom of information request


Residential family centres must be registered with Ofsted. Ofsted defines residential family centres as any establishment that provides residential services for parents and their children in order to monitor and assess the parents' ability to respond to their children's needs and to safeguard and promote their children's welfare. This definition excludes hospitals, independent clinics, hostels or domestic violence refuges, and accommodation where the fact that children are with the adults is incidental to meeting the adults' needs.

Please supply this information for 2021/2022, 2022/2023 and the most up to date figures for 2023/2024.

1. Who within the Local Authority has the commissioning responsibility for residential family centre placements. Please provide their:

a. Name

b. Job Title

c. Telephone number

d. Email address

2. Please could you provide the average weekly fee paid to an independent residential family centre for a 12-week residential programme.

3. Please provide the total number of family placements made in an independent residential family centre each year for a minimum of 12 weeks residential programme

4. Please provide a list of the independent residential family centre provider names with which families were placed during the year.

5. Please indicate whether the placement provider was agreed based on providers being on the tender/white rose framework and whether you used any providers which weren't on the tender/white rose framework?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1a. Amy Allcock

1b. Commissioning Manager

1c. Information Unavailable



2a. 2021/22 – Average weekly cost: £2,342

2b. 2022/23 - £3,498.33

2c. 2023/24 –No placements made


3a. One placement

3b. No placements made


4a. 2021/22 – Progressive Care, Break Charity

4b. 2022/23 – Progressive Care

4c. 2023/24 – No placements made


5. We do not commission our placements through the White Rose Framework

Reference number
Date request received
7 March 2024
Date of decision
16 April 2024