Content management system used for Lincolnshire County Council website - Find a freedom of information request


1. What Content Management System (CMS) is used for your corporate website content (


2. Who is your provider/agency?


3. What is the yearly combined cost of this contract? (support, hosting, product licencing, user licences for example)


4. How many other sites are managed via this CMS/contract other than your main website?


What 'paid for' product/s do you use to ensure smooth running and compliance for the corporate website (

Please state the provider/product against each that apply. If one product does all or some of these please state same provider/product against each.


  • Content quality assurance (broken links, spellings, readability etc)
  • Accessibility Compliance (WCAG, digital legislation)
  • In house policy rules (inventory, search and replace and auditing)
  • Analytics (visits, heatmaps, ux tools)
  • SEO and page performance monitoring
  • Uptime monitoring
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Privacy Compliance
  • Cookie controller
  • Front end accessibility widget (user interface)


What is the combined yearly cost for your website monitoring tools indicated above?


1. Jadu Central.


2. Jadu.


3. £81,000.


4. 300 Lincolnshire's parish councils, City of Lincoln Council, Lincoln Castle, Team Lincolnshire, Greater Lincolnshire Regional Defence and Security Cluster, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership.


  • Content quality assurance (broken links, spellings, readability etc) - Jadu
  • Accessibility Compliance (WCAG, digital legislation) – Silktide
  • In house policy rules (inventory, search and replace and auditing) - in-house team
  • Analytics (visits, heatmaps, ux tools) - Google Analytics
  • SEO and page performance monitoring - Silktide, Jadu, in-house team
  • Uptime monitoring - Jadu
  • GDPR Compliance - Silktide
  • Privacy Compliance - Openli
  • Cookie controller - Openli
  • Front end accessibility widget (user interface) - Jadu, in-house team


What is the combined yearly cost for your website monitoring tools indicated above? Not including Jadu, as this is all within the contract amount above, around £7,000.

Reference number
Date request received
19 March 2024
Date of decision
16 April 2024