Supported accommodation for young people - Find a freedom of information request


1. Could you please provide the current number of young people placed in supported accommodation by your authority?


2. Of these young people, how many are placed in supported accommodation directly managed by your authority or through block contract, compared to those placed in supported accommodations provided through spot purchase arrangements?


3. Are referrals to supported accommodation managed through a specific framework? If yes, could you please specify the name of this framework and detail when it is open to tender?


4. What is the average weekly fee for placing a young person in supported accommodation during the current financial year?


5. Could you provide the contact details, including telephone number, email address, and postal address, of the department or individuals responsible for the placement of young people in supported accommodation?


6. Who are the team managers or key decision-makers involved in the process for admitting a young person into supported accommodation, and may we have their contact details, including telephone number, email address, and postal address?


7. Is there a current or anticipated need for additional supported accommodation providers/provision within your authority?


8. Are there specific demographics of young people for whom placement proves to be particularly challenging? If so, could you elaborate on these demographics?


9. Is there a dedicated team overseeing contracts and/or quality related to supported accommodation? If yes, could you provide the team's contact information?


10. Who should be contacted for discussions about establishing a new supported accommodation within your authority?


11. Could you please provide the current number of children who are classified as looked after by your authority?


12. Based on your data or assessments, do you expect the number of children becoming looked after to increase in the over the next 12-18 months?


1. 155 young people were accommodated in regulated supported living options in the financial year to 19/03/2024.


2. Of the 155 young people, 14 are placed in spot purchase arrangements, nine are directly managed by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), 62 are in the commissioned Youth Housing Service and 70 are Unaccompanied children placed under LCC's Closed Order List of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) accommodation providers.


3. The Youth Housing Service is currently contracted until 31st December 2025, with details of future tender opportunities to follow in early 2025. Spot purchase supported accommodation placements are made via LCC's Open Select List of providers which opens annually in summer via ProContract.




  • £3,148.66 - spot purchase placement
  • £796.66 - Youth Housing


5. Amy Allcock (


6. This information is confidential and cannot be shared.


7. The demand for supported accommodation placements is mostly met within LCC's own provision and commissioned Youth Housing Service; if there is a need for a spot purchase placement then a referral will be shared with LCC's provider list through the Open Select List process.


8. This is varied depend on need and market availability.


9. Please refer to question 5 who will direct you to the relevant officer.


10. Please refer to question 5 who will direct you to the relevant officer.


11. 751 (as of 22-03-24)


12. Yes.

Reference number
Date request received
14 March 2024
Date of decision
12 April 2024