Children's and Adults Placement Teams - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to request access to specific information regarding placements teams and decision makers involved in facilitating the use of free software.

I am particularly interested in obtaining the following details:

1. Email addresses for Childrens placements team

2. Email addresses for Adults placements team

3. Contact details (email addresses or phone numbers) of decision makers involved in the selection and approval process for the use of free software specifically created for social care placements teams, which enables placements teams to find appropriate placements instantly. 

The purpose of this request is to enable effective communication with relevant stakeholders who play a pivotal role in the placement of individuals receiving social care/support.  Access to this information would greatly assist in fostering collaboration and facilitating the most cost and time effective placement process possible for you.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Amy Allcock (Commissioning Manager)

2. Martin Samuels (Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Well-Being)

3. See response to questions 1 and 2

Reference number
FOI 9176301
Date request received
Date of decision