Stamford - Land south of Empingham Road, Stamford – CA-7-1-611 - Register of landowner deposits

Grid reference
South Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
15 March 2024
Depositor's name and address
Strutt and Parker, South View Business Park, Tinwell Road, Stamford, PE9 2JL on behalf of the Cecil Estate Family Trust
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 26 March 2024: Strutt and Parker, South View Business Park, Tinwell Road, Stamford, PE9 2JL on behalf of the Cecil Estate Family Trust
Date deposit expires
25 March 2044
Commons Act 2006, Section 15A(1) - Deposit date
15 February 2024
Depositors' names and addresses
(1) Strutt and Parker, South View Business Park, Tinwell Road, Stamford, PE9 2JL on behalf of the Cecil Estate Family Trust