Staff hired with responsibility for freedom of information requests - Find a freedom of information request


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

1) For the last 3 tax year's (23/22, 22/21, 21/20) please provide the total cost of:

a) Total number of staff hired with responsibility for freedom of information requests, (full time equivalent) .

b) Total salary costs for staff with responsibility for freedom of information requests.

c) Total for all other costs associated with handling freedom of information requests.

d) Total number of freedom of information requests received, and total number responded with the requested information.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.a) 20/21 (01/04/20 to 31/03/21) = 2.75 FTE

21/22 (01/04/21 to 31/03/22) = 2.75 FTE

22/23 (01/04/22 to 31/03/23) = 2.75 FTE

b) 20/21 (01/04/20 to 31/03/21) = £72,831.00 on costed

21/22 (01/04/21 to 31/03/22) = £74,059.00 on costed

22/23 (01/04/22 to 31/03/23) = £75,211.00 on costed

c) This information is not held

d) 20/21 (data held from 01/10/20 to 31/03/21) = 359 requests received, 320 responded to with requested information

21/22 (01/04/21 to 31/03/22) = 1,054 requests received, 901 responded to with requested information

22/23 (01/04/22 to 31/03/23) = 1,252 requests received, 1,014 responded to with requested information

Reference number
FOI 9138586
Date request received
Date of decision