Contacts for managing, organising and purchasing outsourced printed materials - Find a freedom of information request


1. Names, telephone number and email addresses of key contacts within the Local Authority for managing/organising and purchasing outsourced printed materials - booklets, leaflets, prospectus, magazines, brochures, flyers etc. 

2. A description of the decision-making process for onboarding new print suppliers. 

3. Company names of your preferred print and publication design suppliers you currently use for printing and design services. 

Estimated annual spend on outsourced print. (ball-park is fine) 


1. Contact email address is:

2. Considerations for the decision-making process on what printers Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) use are as follows:

  • price of products
  • are they Lincolnshire-based (not be all and end all but good practice to work with local suppliers where possible)
  • printing methods
  • FSC paper or other sustainable materials
  • quality of print (from samples or prior work)
  • turnaround time from proofs to delivery
  • design amendment costs
  • easily contactable?
  • work from purchase orders and agree to our invoicing terms.

They apply to new printers as well. We do try out new suppliers when they come in.

3.   LCC’s preferred printers are:

  • DPS Digital
  • Hickling and Squires
  • National Leaflet Company (through CN)
  • Northend
  • Ruddocks
  • Systematic
  • Zest

The total printing costs from LCC’s external printing code (none school) for 2022/2023 was approximately £187,000. This can fluctuate from year to year.

Reference number
Date request received
1 March 2024
Date of decision
2 April 2024