Lincolnshire County Council spend on advertising with the local media and news outlets across Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


1. How much Lincolnshire County Council spends on advertising with the local media/news outlets across Lincolnshire? Please further detail when these adverts took place and the individual amount it cost.


2. How much Lincolnshire County Council spends on sponsoring events with local media/news outlets across Lincolnshire either in partnership of wholly paid for? Please further detail when these events took place and the individual amount it cost.


3. How many individuals we have working in the Communications team and the annual cost of this team including staff expenses.


1. Advertising 

In 2021/2022 was £45,247.79

In 2022/2023 was £29,057.24

This expenditure includes recruitment adverising and statutory public notices placed in print newspapers and other publications for the previous two complete financial years.

2. Sponsored events

in 2021/2022 it was £nil

In 2022/2023 it was £nil

Based on organised sponsored events held by LCC for the previous two complete financial years.

3a. Full Time Equivalent's (FTE) working in the Communication Team

In 2021/2022 it was 16.60 FTE's 

In 2022/2023 it was 17.41 FTE's

FTE data based on the budgeted full staffing numbers (establishment) of the complete team (regardless of whether any vacancies were held during the year)

3b. Annual Cost of Communications Team including staff expenses 

In 2021/2022 it was £709,946

In 2022/2023 it was £797,265

Actual cost details are shown from the previous two complete financial years with relevant staff expenses such as mileage costs claimed included. The council's communications team cover a range of activities, including and strategic communications for all service areas, internal staff and members communications, publications such as three yearly issues of County News and many others, events and meetings co-ordination for all service areas plus key yearly presence at the Lincolnshire Show, digital communications (website overview and social media), photography and video production, and print and design overview.


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) expenditure on Advertising with local media/news outlets across Lincolnshire, based on the previous two completed financial years, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, including recruitment and other advertising. (Details of when these adverts took place not available but individual amounts in table above).


2. Expenditure on LCC sponsored events based on the previous two completed financial years, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.


3a. Full Time Equivalents of staff working in the Strategic Communications/Community Engagement Team, regardless of any vacancies held and


3b. LCC staffing costs for the Strategic Communications/Community Engagement Team, including staff expenses, based on the previous two completed financial years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023

Reference number
Date request received
5 February 2024
Date of decision
22 March 2024