Transport Services within Lincolnshire County Council - Find a freedom of information request


My questions relate to the council's transport services.

1) Does the local authority operate a supplier framework (a list of accredited companies or individuals that can provide services to the local authority) for the following:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School transport
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

2) If the Council does operate a supplier framework, how many suppliers are currently listed on each framework for:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care


3) How many transport routes operate currently (as of 05/02/24) for:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

4) How many transport routes operated in the 22-23 financial year for:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

5) How many transport routes operated in the 21-22 financial year for the following:

a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

6) In the current financial year to date, how many individuals have used each of the following transport services?
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

7) In the 23-23 financial year, how many individuals used each of the following transport services over the course of the year?
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

8) In the 21-22 financial year, how many individuals used each of the following transport services over the course of the year?
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

9) In the current financial year (23-24) what is the council's current net spend on providing as of 05/02/24:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

10) In the 22-23 financial year, what was the council's net spend on providing:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care

11) In the 21-22 financial year, what was the council's net spend on providing:
a. SEN Transport
b. Home to School
c. Taxi Services
d. Transport for Adult Care


1. a) Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been in place since February 2022

b) Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been in place since February 2022

c) Taxi Service come under either Special Educational Needs Transport or Home to School.

d) Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been in place since February 2022


2. a) As of 12 March 2024 there are 341 suppliers on the DPS. Suppliers can bid for any contract type (depending on vehicle type)

b) Please see comments as above

c) Not applicable.

d) Please see comments above.


3. a) 539

b) 1,357

c) Not applicable.

d) 61


4. a) 801

b) 2,289

c) Not applicable.

d) 405


5. a) 1,079

b) 2,408

c) Not applicable.

d) 371


6. a) 3,603

b) 22,785

c) Not applicable.

d) 217


7. a) 3,677

b) 23,053

c) Not applicable.

d) 279



8. a) 3,446

b) 21,785

c) Not applicable.

d) 251



9. a) £22,356,791.82 (estimated spend for 2023/2024)

b) £31,594,882.55 (estimated spend for 2023/2024)

c) Not applicable.

d) £1,848,264.99 (estimated spend for 2023/2024)


10. a) £21,021,056.87

b) £25,482,652.65

c) Not applicable.

d) £2,139,821.71


11. a) £12,014,215.53

b) £20,946,142.94

c) Not applicable.

d) £1,574,554.11

Reference number
Date request received
5 March 2024
Date of decision
20 March 2024