Flooding in Craypool Lane, Scothern - Find a freedom of information request


Flooding in Craypool Lane, Scothern:

1. I asked Anglian Water how many times sewage had been discharged into the environment and they couldn't tell me and said I had to ask you. Please advise.

2. I asked AW why they don't object to new housing development in the village when it is obvious the systems cannot cope and they said they cannot. Only statutory authorities can - is that you?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Lincolnshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and Highways Authority is under no statutory obligation to monitor and record the discharge of public sewers into watercourses.

As the environmental regulator for England, the Environment Agency may be able to assist with your specific enquiry.


2. There exists, under Section 106 of the Water Industry 1991, a right to have private drains and sewers communicate with the public sewer of any sewerage undertaker. Only under certain circumstances can a sewerage undertaker refuse to permit the communication to be made. Further details can be found on Anglian Waters website - https://www.anglianwater.co.uk/developing/drainage-services/connect-to-sewer-network/

Lincolnshire County Council in its role as LLFA is a statutory consultee for all major planning applications across the county in relation to managing the surface water flood risk. The LLFA provides advice on planning applications and undertakes technical assessments of surface water drainage systems proposed for adoption by the Authority, to ensure they comply with the required technical guidance and standards.

The determination as to whether planning approval is ultimately provided rests with the District Council as Local Planning Authority

Reference number
FOI 9028125
Date request received
Date of decision