MS29-SL Allocation - Find a freedom of information request


1) Please can you let me have the supporting documents on the assessment of MS29-SL as outlined in the Sites and Areas Report Nov 2016.

2) How you banded, rated and ranked the site against the Site Selection Methodology Criteria.

3) Please may I have copies of the Site Selection forms submitted for MS29 with any amendments.

4) Please can you also let me have copies of the 'appropriate assessments and mitigation measures' provided by Cemex 'prior to any further consideration' in the LMWLP Site Location Selection exercise.

5) Please can you also let me have copies of the specific sustainability appraisal that was carried out for this site.

6) Please can you further provide me with evidence or reasoning as to why this site which has Level 1 absolute constraints ('Does the site include or is it adjacent to a site or building with a nationally recognised designation (Scheduled Monuments, Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings grade 1 and 2* & 2, Registered Historic Battlefields and Registered Parks and Gardens)?') was not discounted at the first stage. When it is clear that the development would be likely to have a detrimental effect on the immediately adjacent Grade II* Molecey Mill and the Granary.


1. See below responses.

2. The detailed assessment and banding of site MS29-SL was set out in the completed site selection/assessment form which is contained in p83 of Appendix 13 – Mineral Sites proposed for allocation in the Sites and Areas Report (November 2016) which the Council has previously made available in response to information request reference 8819361. This information is therefore already publicly available and easily accessible to you. The Council is not required to re-provide the same information under Regulation 6(1)(b) of the EIR.

3. The completed site selection forms have been previously made available in response to information reference request 8819361 within the Sites and Areas report (November 2016) as detailed above. This information is therefore already publicly available and easily accessible to you. The Council is not required to re-provide the same information under Regulation 6(1)(b) of the EIR. However, previous interim versions of the completed site selection forms as referred to in that document were included in an earlier Sites and Areas Report (November 2015), which is attached for reference along with the relevant appendix. a. We have also carried out a search of historic files relating to the production of the adopted Site Locations document and have located the original site nomination form and plan submitted for the site. This nomination form was submitted by Lafarge some time before the site was later taken on and promoted by Cemex which is attached.

4. We have carried out a search of historic files relating to the production of the adopted Site Locations document and have located an Archaeological Assessment and Heritage Assessment which is attached. These were submitted by Cemex to support the site nomination for MS29- SL.

5. The detailed specific Sustainability Appraisal carried out for MS29-SL is set out on p167 of Appendix 1 – Minerals of the Sustainability Appraisal (October 2016) which was previously made available in response to information request reference 8819361. This information is therefore already publicly available and easily accessible to you. The Council is not required to re-provide the same information under Regulation 6(1)(b) of the EIR.

6. The Sites and Areas Report November 2016, Sustainability Appraisal October 2016, and Flood Risk Sequential Test October 2016, all of which were previously made available in response to information request reference 8819361, set out the site assessment and selection process in detail which informed the selection of sites for inclusion in the Site Locations document. As this information is already publicly available and easily accessible to you. The Council is not required to re-provide the same information under Regulation 6(1)(b) of the EIR. It should be noted that the Site Locations document (and therefore the allocations within it) was subject to independent public examination by a Planning Inspector and found to be sound.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
1 February 2024
Date of decision
14 March 2024