Historic flood events along the Nocton Beck - Find a freedom of information request


1) Does the council hold any records on historic flood events along the Nocton Beck or aforementioned waterbodies, including any other incidents related to flooding, whether fluvial or surface water/other source in nature?

2) Is the council aware of any other schemes in the Nocton Beck catchment that may be of relevance to this study/ assessment?

3) Any other information the council may hold that is relevant to considering the flood risk to/ from the Nocton Beck or aforementioned waterbodies and surrounding area.



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) After checking our records I can confirm that the Floods and Water team at Lincolnshire County Council have not undertaken any flood investigations pursuant to Section 19 of the Floods and Water Management Act 2010 for Nocton. We have however, since 2012, received six reports of external flooding (e.g., gardens) to properties on Nocton Road, Nocton Drive, Grange Lane, Wrays Yard, and Wellhead Lane.

2) We are not aware of any specific schemes or initiatives within the Nocton Beck catchment although we are aware that the Environment Agency is currently undertaking an intensive collection, review, and analysis of technical data such as hydraulic modelling, structure, assessments of current banks, environmental and benefits assessments. Further information regarding this can be found here - https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/lincolnshireand-northamptonshire/lower-witham-flood-resilience-project/

3) LCC do not have access to any hydraulic modelling for the Nocton Beck Catchment. The Section 21 asset register can be found on the website.

Reference number
FOI 8944086
Date request received
Date of decision