Local Transport Plan - Find a freedom of information request


We therefore request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act in relation to your Local Transport Plan.

1. Has your authority commenced or completed a revision or replacement of its Local Transport Plan (LTP) since the Government published its Transport Decarbonisation Plan in July 2021?

2. Which of the following describes the current status of your authority's LTP?

a) It is new or has recently been revised (please give date of publication).

b) A draft has been subject to public consultation that has now closed, with feedback now under consideration. (If possible, please give expected publication date for the final version or indicate if another round of public consultation is expected)

c) A draft is currently subject to public consultation (please give a link to the consultation and its closing date)

d) Internal work on a new or revised version is underway, with publication of a consultation draft LTP to follow (If possible, please give date of expected publication of consultation draft)

e) Our current LTP was published before July 2021 and work to update or replace it has not yet commenced.
f) Other (please state)

3. Does your current LTP or latest draft LTP (if more recent) include targets or performance indicators relating to:

a) Reductions in the volume, or rate of growth, of car or motor-vehicle traffic in your area (or any part of it)?

b) Increasing the number or proportion of trips in your area (or any part of it) made by walking and/or cycling and/or public transport?

c) Reductions in the volume of carbon dioxide emissions from road or surface transport in your area (or any part of it)?

d) Reductions in casualties, casualty rates or other quantified improvements in safety for pedestrians and/or cycle users?

If yes to any of the above, what are these targets or indicators?

4. What is the name, job title and email address for the officer with overall responsibility for your authority's Local Transport Plan?

5. Do you have an email address for inquiries about the Local Transport Plan? If so, what is this?
I look forward to your response.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. No

2. The Authorities current Local Transport plan was formally adopted by LCC in February 2022

3a-e. No Targets or Performance indicators

4. Vanessa Strange, Head of Infrastructure Investment, vanessa.strange@lincolnshire.gov.uk

5. LTP@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Reference number
FOI 8951685
Date request received
Date of decision