Code of Conduct complaints about Councillors - Find a freedom of information request


I understand you have a duty to handle Code of Conduct complaints about Councillors at LCC and at town/parish councils in your area, as specified at s28(6) and s28(7) Localism Act 2011.

For year 2023 only, please can you provide the total number of Code complaints that were:

1) Received from members of the public

2) Received from others (Councillors and Officers etc)

3) Referred to and assessed by your Standards Hearing Committee or Governance Panel

4) Decided upon or recorded as upheld

5) If upheld, the sanctions applied


Five member Code of Conduct complaints were received during this period.

Four brought by members of the public and one by a councillor.

Four have been determined by the Monitoring Officer that should be subject to no further action.

One is still to be determined.

Reference number
FOI 8872077
Date request received
Date of decision