Flammable cladding - Find a freedom of information request


1. I would like to know how much money in contracts from the council has been given to the following companies since July 2017: Kingspan and Rydon .

2. Following the Grenfell fire how many council tower blocks (over 18 meters high) were identified as having flammable cladding (likely made from aluminium composite material).

3. How many of these high rises still have flammable cladding?

4. How many other council-owned buildings, under 18m, currently have flammable cladding? I would like this broken down into building type - school, hospital etc


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. LCC have not directly procured anything from Kingspan and Rydon

2. None – LCC do not have any tower blocks in the portfolio

3. N/a

4. none were identified as having flammable cladding when all sites were surveyed following Grenfell

Reference number
FOI 8890033
Date request received
Date of decision