Street lamp on St. Marys Lane LOUTH not working - Find a freedom of information request


Street lamp on St. Marys Lane LOUTH not working.

Reported regularly since March 2023. By phone and by Fix my Street. Only feedback received in 10 months is that an inspection found there was no power and that the power company have been informed. That is all in 10 months.

I contacted E.ON but they will not deal with a third party, so the solution to progress is in Highways hands.

I want to know:

1) when highways first reported the problem to the power company

2) how many times since

3) and when they followed up and asked the power company to solve the problem

4) What is the current situation?


1. 28 March 2023.

2. Once.

3. The fault has been followed up or the power company contacted about this issue on at least the following dates:- 14/08/2023, 31/08/2023, 22/10/2023, 23/10/2023, 02/11/2023, 28/11/2023, 29/11/2023, 04/12/2023, 14/12/2023, 21/12/2023, 04/01/2024, 09/01/2024, 02/02/2024, 06/02/2024.

4. Streetlight 1 at the private road off St Mary's Lane, Louth was checked again on 6th February, and the underground electricity supply is still faulty, measuring only 1.53 volts when it should be around 240 volts. Northern PowerGrid also contacted Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) on 6th February stating, 'Just to let you know that we have someone chasing this up, will ring you tomorrow to catch up. Thank you'. LCC is still awaiting the promised catch-up telephone call.

Reference number
FOI 8840557
Date request received
Date of decision