Fires linked to Lithium Batteries - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the Fire Authority. Please may you provide me with:

1. How many fires linked to lithium ion batteries did you record in 2022?

2. How many fires linked to lithium ion batteries did you record in 2023?

3. How many fires involved an electric bike did you record in 2022? And in 2023?

4. How many fires involving an electric scooter did you record in 2022? And in 2023?

5. How many fires involving an electric car did you record in 2022? And in 2023?

6. How many fires involving an electric truck did you record in 2022? And in 2023?

7. How many fires involving an electric bus/ coach did you record in 2022? And in 2023?



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Two fires linked to lithium ion batteries in 2022.

2. Nine fires linked to lithium ion batteries in 2023.

3. Zero fires recorded in 2022 and 2023

4. Zero fires recorded in 2022, one fire involving an electric scooter recorded in 2023 (in April).

5. Data not held. The current reporting system (the national Incident Recording System) does not specify any category that allows for recording whether a vehicle was electric or hybrid.

6. Data not held. The current reporting system (the national Incident Recording System) does not specify any category that allows for recording whether a vehicle was electric or hybrid.

7. Data not held. The current reporting system (the national Incident Recording System) does not specify any category that allows for recording whether a vehicle was electric or hybrid.

Reference number
FOI 8872185
Date request received
Date of decision