Sincil Bank Rejuvenation - Find a freedom of information request



1) Tina Featherstone at the event at LNER ADMITTED closing off Scorer Street will make emissions worse. Please can you confirm if Scorer Street will still be closed off?

2) Did *ALL* residents get a CONSULTATION? Lincoln City Council Chris Burke, I have a recording saying we WILL. As you are in partnership with Lincoln City Council over this, using this document for reference

page 11/15 "Consult residents on TRO changes 06/11/2023 01/12/2023 4 weeks consultation. Letter with postcard with link to web site and invite to community event" Not every residents could get to the Event, not every every house got the invite (MINIMUM of SIX households did *NOT* get the invite postcard). Those that DID they the postcard, there was *NO* letter. Please explain why residents were missed getting the postcard and why no letter?

3) "improved quality of life for residents" Please can you explain how this will work please?

as closing Scorer Street and making 'Sincil Bank' (The Street) One way will add extra distance to peoples journeys. Same question for making Charles Street one way?

4) "reduced traffic in the area and a safer environment for cyclists"

Please can you explain how this is please? There will me MORE traffic coming south down St Andrews Street from Chelmsford Street. As a commuter cyclist, this is a very dangerous piece of road, traveling North daily.

4a) Arther Street and Norris street and Martin street and majority of Thesiger Street *WILL* be getting MORE traffic going 'faster' to 'catch up' , with this fact *HOW* will it be a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians etc?

4b) Will the St Andrews street junction with Chelmsford street be getting a road sign saying

"Give Way to ANYTHING on wheels coming from the right" ?

5) "improving accessibility and connectivity of the area to the rest of Lincoln" No as above please explain how when 'Sincil Bank' the street will be one way and Scorer street closed off this will work? Is the entire Sincil Bank area being moved closer towards the Town Centre?

6) "improved air quality for the area" Please explain HOW this will work, when residents, their visitors and trades people will HAVE to drive further around?

6a) Please provide *ALL* air quality data for the ENTIRE Sincil Bank area, back as far as you can please?

6b) When this is all finished, what *WILL* the air quality readings be, in what format (CO% or PPM etc?)

7) For people living in the lower house numbers of 'Sincil Bank' if for example they wish

to go up 'Canwick Hill' they will have to ride MUCH further, please explain how this will make live better for these residents?

8) "reduced rat-running through the neighbourhood" Please provide EVIDENCE

of the area being used as a 'Rat Run'?

9) Please supply THE list of complaints with dates from RESIDENTS of the 'Sincil Bank' area

complaing about the area being used as a 'Rat Run'?

10) "provide a more welcoming ambiance for visitors to community businesses"

Please can you explain HOW this will happen when because of the Residents Parking Scheme, Business have to pay MORE money for on street parking permits , and/or then have to pay for a parking scratch card for their visitors? Where are they going to park when the residents 9/10 park for days in the dual visitor and residents parking bays, when they run out of scratch cards and get fed up with visitors driving off with their 'visitor permits'?

11) "make Lincoln more attractive for future investment" Please can you explain how this will happen? Who wants to invest in an area where visitors get fined £70 and are unable to drive through the area?

12) If you don't live in the area you won't know. *ONLY* on a Saturday/Tuesday evening football do you see the 'regular' Blue Badge holder from out the area, that *ALWAYS* park within 10 meters of a junction on the double yellow lines and get **VERY VERY VERY** **NASTY and AGGRESSIVE** when simply asking WHY they park within 10 meters of a junction. If you ask nicely "Reverse back/ go forward 5 meters off the DYL to that space" they REFUSE EVERY TIME.

12a) If these 'improvements don't include the 'no loading pips' why not?

13) On the above link the parts about Closing Scorer street is 'hidden in plain view' why is not on the video? 

14) Why make "Charles street" one way when you can simply make both sides double yellow lines? (Charles street is just a smaller version of Tempest Street off Monks Road, will that be made one way as well?)

15) These 'improvements' are meant to work with the residents parking, please explain *HOW* and *WHY* the residents parking is needed for these 'improvements'.

16) When this all goes to the 'Planning and regulation committee' Will the be 'recommended to overrule the objections and allow the road closure of Scorer street to happen?



1. No, it will not be closed off. This proposal has been dropped from the scheme.

2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) cannot confirm why some residents may not have received a postcard inviting them to the event at LNER Stadium. LCC is currently arranging for the statutory consultation documents to be sent to statutory consultees. This will be followed by a letter drop to all potentially affected residents and businesses in March.

3. It is no longer proposed to make a short section of Scorer Street one way. ‘Improved quality of life’ refers to the effect of introducing permit parking, thereby reducing traffic generally, and the provision of dedicated cycle facilities.

4. a. This is referring to Sincil Bank.

b. No.

5. This is referring to accessibility and connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians.

6. There is less traffic in the area owing to the permit scheme.

a. Please consult the City of Lincoln Council for this information.

7. Alternative routes are available. Residents will have their opportunity to respond to the proposals during the consultation period.

8. The proposed one ways on Scorer Street and St Andrews Street aimed to reduce rat running through the area. This did not appear to be a concern of residents at the LNER Stadium event so they have been dropped from the proposal. A rat run between High Street and Cross Street via Charles Street does exist. A recent survey at peak time has confirmed that half of vehicles using Portland Street are doing so to access the East/West link or Pelham Bridge rather than negotiating the traffic signals at St Mark’s Street/Tentercroft Street.

9. This information is not available.

10. There has been no negative feedback from businesses in Sincil Bank regarding the permit scheme.

11. The scheme has been initiated by the City of Lincoln Council so please contact them for this information.

12. Blue Badge holders are permitted to park on single and double yellow lines for up to three hours, where it is safe to do so. The decision as to whether or not it is safe to park in a particular location will be at the discretion of the police. There are no plans to introduce loading restrictions as part of the soon to be proposed waiting restrictions. If the scheme is implemented, and if there are issues subsequently with Blue Badge holder parking that might be addressed through the use of loading restrictions, this will be considered.

13. The one way formerly proposed on Scorer Street has been removed from the proposals.

14. Making Charles Street one way allows parking to remain for residents here, and reduces rat running traffic from High Street.

15. Traffic flows have been reduced as the area no longer provides free car parking for nonpermit holders. Residents can now park easily during the daytime.

16. The recommendation will be to overrule objections to the scheme. Officers’ opinions are not relevant in this matter.

Reference number
FOI 8817866
Date request received
Date of decision