Residential family centres - Find a freedom of information request


Local authority's use of residential family centres.  

1.Who within the Local Authority has the commissioning responsibility for residential family centre placements. 

Please provide their:

a.     Name

b.     Job Title

c.     Telephone number

d.     Email address

2. The average cost per placement for a 12 week assessment

3. How many families received a placement commissioned by the local authority at a residential family centre for an assessment in 2022 / 2023 ?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

a. Name: Amy Allcock

b. Job Title: Commissioning Manager

c. If you wish to contact a specific person your call can be directed by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 01522 552222


2. For the financial year 2023-2034 (to date) this is £2,265 per week or a total average cost of £31,069.44.

3. 4 families received a placement commissioned by the local authority at a residential family centre for an assessment in 2022/2023

Reference number
FOI 8884138
Date request received
Date of decision