How Lincolnshire County Council procures its water - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to request information relating to how Lincolnshire County Council procures its water.


1. Who, in your organisation, is responsible for deciding how your water is procured?


2. What is your current contract term with your water provider? Start date (MM/YYYY) to end date (MM/YYYY)?


3. Who is your water retailer supplier(s)?


4. What do you consider makes a 'good' water retailer?


5. How many water meters (SPIDs) do you have?


6. What is your annual water usage?


7. What is your annual spend on water?


8. Do you currently procure your water through a framework (e.g. Crown Commercial Services)? If so, which one?


9. Do you use a consultancy or broker to facilitate your water procurement? If so, which one?


10. Do you have an ongoing contract with a consultancy, managing agent, or another form of external provider that helps you manage your water usage and procurement? If so, who?


11. Non-domestic customers are able to access the wholesale supply through either a retailer or via a self-supply licence. Have you ever considered applying for a self-supply license? Why / why not?


12. Is there any possibility your organisation will consider procuring their water via a self-supply license in the future?


1. Fiona Fielding Procurement Lincolnshire.


2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) hold a rolling contract in place.


3. Wave Utilities, Anglian Water and Seven Trent for sewerage in parts of the County.


4. Prompt resolution of issues and accurate billing


5. 309.


6. 168,694.


7. £566,489.


8. No.


9. ESPO.


10. ESPO.


11. No LCC has not considered this but it may be something that it will consider going forward.


12. LCC does not think this is likely, however, cannot be ruled out.

Reference number
Date request received
24 January 2024
Date of decision
21 February 2024