Foster carer payments - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you confirm the official allowances for a child age 9 where the child is with a permanence .

The foster carer had previously had the child as a task centred placement. They were told that the rate would be increased but nothing has been received.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Lincolnshire Fostering Service currently pay their foster carers an allowance of £191.80 per week for fostering a 9 year old.

These allowances are sometimes increased on a child specific basis and as detailed in our carer payments handbook this enhanced level of payment will also be made where carers are linked at panel for permanence with children who have been waiting for a permanent placement for over six months.

LCC encourage Foster Carers to discuss financial matters with their supervising social workers if they have any concerns.

Reference number
FOI 8763409
Date request received
Date of decision