Fixed and non-fixed disability aids equipment - Find a freedom of information request


The request concerns the supply, service and maintenance of fixed and non-fixed disability aids equipment for residents living within the Council area, including:

ceiling track hoists,


step and through-floor lifts,

mobile hoists,

shower chairs.

The details requested are:

1. By what procurement route(s) has the Council historically purchased this type of equipment? eg: National Framework (ESPO, YPO, NHS Supply Chain); Single-source contract; 3x Quotes, Approved Supplier List.

2. Does the Council use the same procurement routes for both Council-funded and DFG funded purchases?3. Does a contract exist for the procurement of this equipment?

If so, when will this contract be re-tendered?

4. Would the Council consider awarding work through an approved Framework Agreement rather than a formal tender? If so, which Framework would be preferred? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Single source services contract


3. No, DFG is at district council level

4.The current LCC Community Equipment contract runs to 2033. Any re-procurement decisions will be made prior to the commencement of the procurement process.

Reference number
FOI 8761477
Date request received
Date of decision