Complaints made regarding child safeguarding - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of complaints made to you regarding child safeguarding over the past 5 years. 

2. The number of these complaints which have been dismissed.
3. The number of complaints which have dismissed where:

 (a) the complaint was vexatious or 
 (b) no evidence was offered in support of the complaint.


Lincolnshire County Council holds the information, please see below the information being released to you. 


Year Number Of Complaints
20/21 12
21/22 9
22/23 11
23/24 -to date 6

2. No complaints are dismissed. Complaints are investigated and following the Local Authority’s own complaints process complaints can be escalated to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for independent oversight.

3. Information does not exist as a result of the response to question 2.

Reference number
FOI 8690825
Date request received
Date of decision