Data on tutoring in schools - Find a freedom of information request


Data on tutoring in schools.


In line with normal Freedom of Information requests I am looking for existing data - if some data is not held


1. Does your local authority provide funding for young people's tutoring? (please indicate all options that apply)


Option a) Yes, we operate our own virtual school that also provides tutoring.

* If yes, what was the total funding for your virtual school for FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023?

* How much did the virtual school spend on tutoring for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What was the total number of young people enrolled into/served by the virtual school for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What is the budget for FY2023-2024.


Option b) Yes, we fund enrolment into one or more external virtual schools, where pupils from our local authority have been moved to a virtual school associated with another local authority, and these school(s) also provide tutoring.

* If yes, which virtual school(s) for FY2022-2023?

* What was the total funding provided for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What was the total number of young people enrolled into/served by the virtual school?

* What is the budget for FY2023-2024?


Option c) Yes, we provide additional funding for mainstream schools that is targeted to tutoring or individual catch-up.

* What was the total funding provided for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What is the budget for FY2023-2024?


Option d) Yes, we pay one or more tutoring providers directly.

* If yes, what was the total funding provided for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What was the total number of young people supported for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* What is the budget for FY2023-2024?

* How do you procure support from tutoring providers? Please indicate all options that apply.

o We use our own framework/tender.

o We use another public framework. (please name the framework)

o We procure without a framework/tender.

o Other (please explain...)

* Which tutoring providers were used in FY2022-2023?


Option e) Yes, we provide funding to parents for them to buy tutoring or other learning support.

* What was the total funding provided for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* How many young people did this relate to in FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023

* What is the budget for FY2023-2024?

* Do the parents/learners have to use the funding on tutoring providers?


Option f) Yes, we provide funding for tutoring but in a different FY.

* If yes, please specify how?

* What was the total funding provided in FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?


Option h) No, we do not provide funding for tutoring.


2. What is the total amount spent buy the local authority on tutoring (excluding normal spend from schools / the Delegated Schools Grant) for the years FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?

* How many young people did this relate to in FY2021-2022 and FY2022-2023?


3. Where you provide tutoring directly to young people (Options d or e in Question 1), which categories of young people are eligible to receive this support?

* Young people enrolled in Virtual Schools

* Looked-after children.

* Children excluded from mainstream education.

* Elective home educated children.

* Learners eligible for pupil premium

* Children in alternative provision settings

* Children with English as an additional language (EAL)

* Asylum seekers

* Youth offenders after release

* Young people aged 16-25 years.

* Whoever applies for support?

* Young people identified by their school as needing catch up support.

* Other (please state)


1.  Option A: Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has an interim Tuition Team that provides face to face tuition for identified cohorts of young people.

Total funding for the interim tuition team for Financial Year (FY):

  • 2021-2022: £1,232,478
  • 2022-2023: £1,566,783

Amount spent on tutoring for FY:

  • 2021-2022: £1,232,478
  • 2022-2023: £1,566,783

Total number of young people accessing tuition from the interim tuition team:

  • FY 2021-2022: 321
  • FY 2022-2023: 412

Budget for:

  • FY 2023-2024: £1,964,288

Option D: Yes, LCC pay one or more tutoring providers directly.

Total funding provided for:

  • FY 2021-2022: £115,379
  • FY 2022-2023; £44,503

Total number of young people supported:

  • FY 2021-2022: 79
  • FY 2022-2023: 44

Budget for:

  • FY 2023-2024: £75,000

How do you procure support from tutoring providers?

LCC uses its own framework/tender.


Which tutoring providers were used in FY 2022-2023: Teaching Personnel, Vision4Education.

2. Total spent on tutoring:

  • FY 2021-2022: £1,347,857
  • FY 2022-2023: £1,611,286

How many people did this relate to:

  • FY 2021-2022: 400
  • FY2022-2023: 456

3. Young people eligible to receive this:

- Looked after children

- Children excluded from mainstream education

- Children awaiting a school place

Please note, some of the above cohorts may also meet the following criteria: learners eligible for pupil premium, children with english as an additional language, asylum seekers, young people aged 16-25 years.

Reference number
Date request received
15 January 2024
Date of decision
7 February 2024