Social care charges and debt enforcement for users of social care - Find a freedom of information request


Relating to social care charges and debt enforcement for users of social care in non-residential care settings: 

1. How many individuals received non-residential social care services, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23? 

2. How many people were charged for care and support in non-residential settings, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23? 

3. How much money in total did the Local Authority receive from social care charging from non-residential care services, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23? 

4. How many individuals, since 1 April 2021 to date, have had debt management procedures commenced against them for non-payment of non-residential social care charges (i.e. any escalation in debt recovery, e.g. automated reminders, letter

before action and referral to debt collection agency)? 

5. How many individuals, since 1 April 2021 to date, have been referred to debt collection agencies for non-payment of non-residential social care charges (this should be a subset of the question 4 figure, as question 4 includes these cases as well as lower level actions)?

6. How many individuals have had court proceedings commenced against them relating to non-payment of non-residential social care charges, since 1 April 2021 to date? Please specify how many of these are probate cases.



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.


Question 1






Question 2







Question 3



 £ 12,025,622.00

 £ 11,619,122.30


4. Reminders are automated and are sent out at 14,28 and 42 days if payment is still outstanding, therefore we are unable to provide any further detail. We do have 55 service users that have had some level of escalation for non-payment of non-residential contributions, 45 have payment plans in place.

5. We do not use debt collection agencies

6. 10 cases with legal/court action and 2 of these are probate cases.

Reference number
FOI 8686293
Date request received
Date of decision