Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln - Find a freedom of information request


Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln

Information is requested on any; Acts of Parliament. County Council By-Laws and other Local Regulations regarding damage to local grass verges by the deliberate driving of vehicles onto and damaging verges by the indiscriminate parking of vehicles on the verges and pavements within the village causing wheel tracks and rut damage within village.

1. How many cases of this form of damage have been repaired in the last three years?

2. How many of these resulted in a case of prosecution of the owners/operators of the vehicles involved?

3. What has been the cost of these verge wheel tracks and rut repairs to the public purse over the same 3 year period?

4. What is the average repair timescale to repair these damages?

5. Is there a formal policy regarding the use of red/white bollards to on the verge.

6. Has any inspection of damaged verges and rutted areas been carried out in the last 3 years?

7. How many and at what cost has the increasing number of red & white protective bollard posts that have already been put in place in this village and other areas of the county?

8. Is this a public or non public financial commitment?


I can confirm that some of the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC).

1. LCC do not hold this information specifically, from reviewing our works ordering system looking under job types related to verges we have produced the attached report.

2. LCC do not hold this information, but the relevant team are not aware of any prosecution of owner/operators of vehicles where there has been verge damage. As the Highway is for Public use, as long as that use is reasonable and not contravening Sections of the Highways Act 1980 LCC Highways would have very few routes to prosecution for this type of activity.

3. These repairs have been made under our current Term Service Contract which has allocated a ‘price per defect’ model.

There are specific prices for the repair of these defects but they are commercially sensitive, these costs were part of the tender submission for which our current contractor Balfour Beatty Living Places successfully bid as part of a competitive tender process and were awarded the contract. This was based on national frameworks and costs were benchmarked alongside other Local Authorities.

4. Please see for our response times to defects as part of Appendix B of the document.

5. No

6. Please see for our inspection regime – for more detailed information on this query please provide specific verges and we can provide more information on when inspections have taken place.

7. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information. However with more specific locations we can investigate further and look where we can provide costs of previous works.

8. As above.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 8714389
Date request received
Date of decision