Climate Emergency and battery storage, wind and solar projects - Find a freedom of information request


1. Has your council declared a climate emergency?

2. Please provide a breakdown of how many projects in the following categories your council has objected to, rejected and approved over the last three years; battery storage, wind and solar.

3. What is the average time taken to make a decision on each of the following types of projects; battery storage, solar and wind.


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has not declared a climate emergency.

2. LCC would not reject or approve planning applications for battery storage, wind and solar - these types of applications would go to the district councils for smaller sized applications and would go the Secretary of State for larger projects (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects).

3. See the response to question 2 above.

Reference number
Date request received
3 January 2024
Date of decision
29 January 2024