The Learning Disabilities support offered by the Local Authority to adults aged 18-64 - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request to understand the Learning Disabilities support offered by your Local Authority to adults aged 18-64. I am looking for information on care provided in both Residential care and Supported living settings. 

1. The number of people supported in:
a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings

2. The number of new placements made in:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings

3. The number of people discharged from:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings

4. The average weekly fee across all people supported in:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

c) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

5. The average weekly fee across new placements only in:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

c) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

6. The average weekly fee across discharged people only from:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

c) Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

7. The median time in days from referral (when the Local Authority issues a request for a

placement) to placement (when the service user enters the care setting) in:

a) Residential care settings

b) Supported living settings 

For all items, please provide the information split across:

c) Where the care setting is 'in-area' (the local area covered by the Local Authority)

d) Where the care setting is 'out-of-area' (outside the local area covered by the Local Authority


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached table.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 8603925
Date request received
Date of decision