Equal Pay Claims - Find a freedom of information request


Equal Pay Claims

Please note there are three parts to my request.

1) How many equal pay claims have been made against your council in the time period between 31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023.

2) Please share the cost of claims closed/settled with compensation paid for successful claims in the last five years (31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023) in relation to equal pay claims. Please include the following information in the table: 

a) Compensation paid

b) Defence costs paid

c) Claimant Costs Paid

d) Total Paid

3) What is your council's current estimated equal pay liability? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1)There have been no equal pay claims in the period subject to the request On the basis that the Council has not received any equal pay claims, it does not have any current liabilities.

2) N/a

Reference number
FOI 8624181
Date request received
Date of decision