Labour's proposal to introduce a 20% VAT on private school fees - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding Labour's proposal to introduce a 20% VAT on private school fees:

1. How many school places are currently available in all state schools within your boundaries today, by year group? Please complete the attached table.

2. How many students do you anticipate moving from private schools to state schools within your boundaries if Labour's proposal to introduce a 20% VAT on private school fees takes effect from September 2024?

3. What preparations will you have in place (from September 2024) to accommodate these students?

4. For SEND students moving from private to state schools because of the VAT proposal, what steps will you take to ensure that they receive at least the same level of support they received in their private school by September 2024?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Please see attached table.

2. No work has taken place to determine the impact of this so we are unable to answer questions 2 or 3. We would consider the impact if the proposals are brought forward

3. No work has taken place to determine the impact of this so we are unable to answer questions 2 or 3. We would consider the impact and prepare accordingly if the proposals are brought forward

4. It is the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment that informs the EHC Plan which identifies the level of support that pupils with statutory Plans require. We will therefore be identifying new placements, should that be necessary, that can provide the support identified in the child’s EHC Plan. For pupils with SEND that are supported through a graduated response, they will have access to the universally available support and services that our academies and maintained schools use in addition to Quality First Teaching and the mainstream settings’ own resources.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 8578265
Date request received
Date of decision