Children in residential care and supported living accommodation - Find a freedom of information request


Children in residential care for the last 12 months, namely:

1. Number of children in residential care

2. Percentage of children in residential care placed in county

3. Average weekly price of all residential care placements

4. Average weekly price of in house residential care placements

5. Average weekly price of residential parent assessment centre

6. Number of residential parent assessment centre placements in the last 12 months

7. Number of solo residential placements

8. Average weekly price of solo residential placements

9. Average weekly price of residential care placements for disabled children

10. Average weekly price of 16-18 year olds in unregulated accommodation

11. Number of adults with a disability  aged 18-25 accessing supported living placements

12. Average weekly price of 18-25 year old supported living placements 


(N.B. Independent residential figures from December 2022-December 2023, taken on 8th December 2023)


1. 33 active, 14 historic - 47 in total.


106 of which 32 were in-house provision.


2. 34%


32/106 = 30.2% - In-house provision.


3. £6,248.55 per week (for Independent placements).


4. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has not undertaken the work required to accurately  calculate the total cost of in-house placements including overheads, management charges and associated costs for some time and this exercise would exceed the recommended time for FOI requests. Costs can rise and fall according to a range of factors including staffing levels, which are adjusted to the needs of the children at that time.


5. P&C - £2,791.48 per week (for independent placements).


6. Six.


7. Nil (independent placements).


50 (In-house provisions).


8. £0.00.


9. CWD 52 week independent placements - £6203.73 per week.


10. £3,324 is the average cost of an independent, supported accommodation placement during this timeframe, however legislation changed 28th October 2023 and so after that time those placements were regulated. Please also note that this average is exclusive of the 16-18 year olds that were accommodated through the Youth Housing Supported Accommodation Service contract and relates only to individually commissioned supported accommodation placements.


11. 112.


12. £1095.73.

Reference number
Date request received
7 December 2023
Date of decision
18 January 2024