PL/0129/22 and PL/0130/22 Planning Applications - Find a freedom of information request


Accordingly, under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information in respect to the statements by Mr McBride in paragraph 3 of his email dated 28 November 2023 to the appeal the planning decisions to approve PL/0129/22 and PL/0130/22 should be revoked and then reconsidered by the Planning Inspectorate.

The information requested comprises:

1.) All documents relating to the decision by LCC not to list the Health and Safety Executive as the statutory consultee on the planning applications webpages relating to the two planning applications.

2.) Copy of all correspondence between LCC and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in their role as the statutory consultee in respect to the two planning applications from the notification of the planning application by LCC to the HSE up to and including the issuing of the report by the HSE.

3.) Copy of the documents and case law that Mr McBride considers supports LCC views of the law that LCC have no duty of care or statutory obligation to the health, safety, wellbeing and quality of life of UK citizens.


In response to items 1 and 2 of your request, the HSE is only a statutory consultee for certain planning applications. This includes for proposals around major hazard sites and major accident hazard pipelines; where a development falls within a consultation distance around the major hazard site or major accident hazard pipeline, and; where a development is likely to lead to an increased population around the major hazard.

None of these apply in the case of these applications and as a result the HSE were not required to be consulted and hence why they were not listed on the website.

No correspondence between LCC and HSE as requested therefore exists.

In response to item 3, no such report exists and instead relevant planning matters pertinent to consideration of the applications are dealt with and set out within the Committee Report that relates to these applications.

A copy of this report can be found by searching for this record using the PL references cited via our planning register.

Reference number
FOI 8602925
Date request received
Date of decision