FixMyStreet reports - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding FixMyStreet reports: 474069, 474071, 474072

In relation to the highway's officer assessment and their reference to the Highways infrastructure asset management plan, which is a 200 page document, and bearing in mind I am not an engineer, it's a little hard to judge why the current defects don't meet the criteria for an immediate repair, especially since it is only recently that we have been feeling the strong vibrations, which have coincided with the defects notified.

To that end would it be possible for them to share the specific report on the notified defects, so that we can at least understand why they do not meet the criteria. This will help us to understand how long it may be until they are of sufficient deterioration or help us decide when to make another report on FixMyStreet, rather than keep reporting a defect which does not meet the criteria.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

The Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan is a large document which serves as a guidance document to the local authorities to establish a risk-based approach to our services.

The relevant information more specific to the defects and response times can be found from Page 95 ‘Appendix B.

There is a list of response times relating to Highway maintenance activities, which includes but is not limited to items covered in safety inspections.

This table forms our risk assessment for intervention levels and response times but in all cases is subject to on-site professional judgement.

Reference number
FOI 8578365
Date request received
Date of decision