Travel to school for children of compulsory school age - Find a freedom of information request


In June 2023, the Department for Education published updated statutory guidance on 'Travel to school for children of compulsory school age'. I am submitting the following Freedom of Information request to find out how the local authority is implementing the guidance.

Please can you provide information on the following:

1. 'Local authorities should ensure that drivers and passenger assistants working on dedicated school transport have undertaken appropriate training and that this is kept up to date. It is for the local authority to decide what training is required, how it will be delivered and how often it should be refreshed.' Are you using an external provider to provide training or is it being provided internally? If internal, which team is delivering this training? If external, are you using an accredited training provider?

2. How regularly is the training reviewed and refreshed?

3. Which job role within the local authority is responsible for deciding which training will be used?

4. How are meet and greet sessions between transport providers and passengers monitored?

5. How much budget is allocated to safeguarding training for school transport providers?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Dedicated educational travel provision for eligible pupils to be transported to their school is contracted to transport suppliers/operators.

The Council produces a handbook and leaflets for the drivers and passenger assistants who operate these contracts on a day to day basis. These set out the Council’s guidance on safeguarding matters. As part of the contracting process, all drivers and passenger assistants apply for a specific badge, issued by the Council if they are successful following the application process. As part of the badging process, there is mandatory on-line safeguarding training provided by Learning Pool Limited on behalf of the Council.

As part of the contractual terms and conditions, operators are responsible for ensuring that all appropriate training is provided to the drivers and passenger assistants operating the transport contracts.

The Council contracts with the local NHS team to deliver training for drivers and passenger assistants, when the pupil they transport requires specific medical training.

2. The online safeguarding training required as part of the badging process is currently being reviewed and this is a review which is undertaken on a regular basis to ensure it remains fit for purpose. Additional engagement is being planned with operators, which will cover safeguarding matters, and this will be delivered by experienced Council staff.

3. Head of Transport Services and the safeguarding lead is the Support Services Manager, within Transport Services.

4. All drivers and passenger assistants transporting special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) pupils are expected to meet the pupils prior to the travel provision commencing. This is included in the service specification for the contract, which forms part of the contractual terms and conditions. As such, this is monitored as part of the contract award and contract management processes.

5. £0.00 is specifically allocated, however, the online safeguarding training is a cost to the Council as is the training delivered by the NHS.

Reference number
FOI 8385097
Date request received
Date of decision