Enforcement agents - Find a freedom of information request


1. Which enforcement agent or agents does your council employ for matters involving council debts? 

How many court summons have your council issued in the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/ 2020; 2018/ 19? 

2. How many times have enforcement agents visited the homes of constituents on behalf of the council for the purpose of debt collection for the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/ 2020; 2018/ 19? 

3. For those who have been visited please provide an anonymised breakdown of demographics in the categories of household income and race of occupants.  

4. Has the council carried out any quality impact assessments on debt collection services? If so, would I be able to request access to this document?  

5. How many complaints have been made to your council due to actions taken by enforcement agents in the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/ 2020; 2018/ 19? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. This is referred to the County Court enforcement services

2. Less than 10 overall

3. No

Reference number
FOI 8151765
Date request received
Date of decision