Training offered to staff on modern slavery - Find a freedom of information request


Relates to the training offered to staff on modern slavery. Please share the details of training on modern slavery delivered to staff, including:

1. The nature of training offered (e.g. e-learning or in-person, shared with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included as part of this training

2. Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance, or presentations)



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. LCC have an e-learning course called Tackling Exploitation and Modern Slavery in Lincolnshire, which is mandatory for all LCC staff.

The course contains the following themes:

* What is exploitation

* What is Modern Slavery

* What to look out for

* What to do next

* Keeping yourself safe

Specific topics such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion as well as Unconscious Bias which is part of cultural intelligence are covered in separate e-learning courses.

2. In addition to the e-learning course, there are no training materials held.

Reference number
FOI 8429849
Date request received
Date of decision