Provision for supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16-18 - Find a freedom of information request


Information about the Council's provision for supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16-18 (i.e. accommodation which is currently in the process of being regulated by Ofsted).

Please may I have the following information:

1. Number of children and young people placed in supported accommodation by the local authority as at 1/11/23 broken down by (a) the type of supported accommodation (i.e. semi-independent, supported lodgings etc); and (b) the status of the CYP (i.e. LAC, UASC etc). 

2. Of the total number of placements in (1) above, the percentage of children placed in supported accommodation (a) inside and (b) outside the local authority boundary. 

3. Of the total number of placements in (1) above, the percentage of placements that are currently procured via (a) framework agreement, (b) block contract, (c) spot purchase or (d) other procurement arrangements. 

4. For the last date that data is available, what was the (a) highest, (b) lowest and (c) average weekly cost to the local authority of a placement in supported accommodation. 

5. Email address for the team within the local authority who commission supported accommodation placements. 


1. TOTAL = 136

a)109 x LAC inc UASC ; 10 x CiN ; 2 x TAC ; 5 x Early Help; 10 x F4M ; 0 x care leaver


b) 12 x Supported Accommodation (commissioned) ; 39 x Youth Housing contract (commissioned); 2 x Supported Lodgings ; 6 x Supported Accommodation (in-house) ; 73 x Supported Accommodation (UASC commissioned) ; 4 x Supported Accommodation (UASC age assessment unit).



a) Inside the Local authority (LA) boundary – 41.91%


b) Outside the LA boundary – 58.09%



a) Framework – 0.00%


b) Block – 28.68%


c) Spot purchase – 0.00%


d) Other – 71.32%



a) Highest = £6,776


b) Lowest = £260


c) Average = £621 for independent placements only



Reference number
Date request received
15 November 2023
Date of decision
6 December 2023