Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) - Find a freedom of information request


An email was sent from the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Department of Education on December 5 2018 to all local authorities to "draw attention" to a "building failure" involving a property constructed with RAAC. It suggested steps that local authorities should take the following steps:

"(1) identify any properties constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and validate the potential risk appropriately

(2) consider and monitor the possible impact of reduced maintenance regimes on the condition of your property portfolio, in particular where RAAC is used."

1. a) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of this email regarding point 1. This could include any surveys, studies or reports commissioned to identify properties constructed using RAAC and their results, including which properties were found to contain RAAC, and the potential risk that was assessed.

b) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of this email regarding point 2. This could include any buildings in your property portfolio that you identified as having been built with RAAC that had "reduced maintenance regimes".

2. Please disclose copies of any reports, surveys, briefings or studies concerning the presence of RAAC in your property portfolio after this email from December 5 2018.

3. If you replied to this email from the LGA, or forwarded it to another member of staff internally, please disclose the subsequent email chains.

4. Please disclose any other actions taken as a result of this email, if not included above.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.a) A request was received in December 2018, from the DfE and LGA to identify any schools built with RAAC in their construction.

A piece of work was then commissioned to identify any buildings, including schools, that may contain RAAC based on the buildings that fell within the criteria provided by central government. No buildings have yet been identified as ‘’may contain RAAC’.

b) To date, no buildings have been identified as ‘’may contain RAAC’’.

2. To date, no buildings have been identified as ‘’may contain RAAC’’.

3-4. N/a

Reference number
FOI 8307349
Date request received
Date of decision