Substance misuse, alcohol and drug misuse - Find a freedom of information request


1. Does the local authority have a local partnership with multiple agencies involved in the planning and delivery of harm reduction, treatment and recovery interventions for people affected by substance misuse, alcohol and drug misuse?

2. Does the local authority hold contracts with independent (i.e. private) or third sector (i.e. charity or voluntary based) providers for tier 2, tier 3, or tier 4 provisions of substance misuse services?

3.If yes to (2), who are the independent or third sector providers, what tier of services does it provide, and for which substance group(s)?

4. If yes to (2), what is the average contract length and how often do you re-commission services?

5. Does the local authority hold contracts for substance misuse provisions within the criminal justice system?

6.If yes to (5) does the local authority commission substance misuse provisions in prisons?

7.If yes to (6), who are the independent or third sector providers, what tier of services does it provide for which substance group(s) and in which prison(s)?

8. Please provide the contact details of the department or commissioners leading on the commissioning and holding the budget for your substance misuse services

Optional questions if there is information available to answer:

9. If yes to (1), what is the total annual spend on the local partnership?

10. If yes to (2), what is the contract value (in £) with the independent or third sector provider?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Yes

2. Response – Yes, but not commissioned using tiers since 2011

3. We Are With You (WAWY) – Using old tier system this would be T2,3 and 4 Lincolnshire Action Trust (LAT) – using old tier system this would be T2 All services cover alcohol and drugs.

4. – We are With You 7 years, LAT 1 year, all services are currently out to tender for contracts of 5 years with extension options for a further 4 years.

5. Yes, part of treatment contract

6. Yes

7. Lincolnshire Action Trust – using old tier system this would be T2, in HMP Lincoln


Optional questions

9. 2022/23 spend was £6,445,578.64

10. Response – 2022/23 spends were: WAWY - £6,272,347.28 grant funding paid on actuals and underspend returned to central government

LAT - £16,349.01

Reference number
FOI 8139837
Date request received
Date of decision