Household fires caused by lithium-ion batteries - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of household fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021

2. The number of household fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022

3. The number of household fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2023 to 30.10.2023

4. The number of fires in dustcarts and waste-processing centres fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021

5. The number of fires in dustcarts and waste-processing centres fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022

6. The number of fires in dustcarts and waste-processing centres fires caused (or thought to be caused) by lithium-ion batteries in toys, toothbrushes, phones and laptops from 01.01.2023 to 30.10.2023

If possible, please can you detail what has caused the fire, or what is thought to have caused the fire so we can identify the source of the fire.

Please can the data broken down by month per year so we can see if there are any spikes on particular months over the years. For instance, if there are any spikes in November, December or January when people may be clearing out homes in or around the Christmas period.


Please note, the national Incident Recording System does not have a specific category for Lithium batteries being the cause of fire. To answer this request a freetext search has been carried out on the word 'Lithium' within the incident log:

1. Zero incidents in 2021.

2. One incident in May 2022.

Caused by a Lithium battery from a laptop overheating. In addition, the following incidents occurred although not in household buildings:

• May 2022 - Within a touring caravan, caused by Lithium batteries overheating - unknown what appliance.

• September 2022 - Outside of house, caused by Lithium battery on charge from a mobility scooter.

• December 2022 - Shed fire, caused by Lithium battery on charge - unknown what appliance.


• August 2023 - Household, caused by Lithium batteries overheated from excessive charging - unknown what appliance.

• October 2023 - Household, caused by Lithium battery on charge - unknown what appliance. In addition, the following incidents occurred although not in household buildings:

• April 2023 - Domestic garage, caused by Lithium battery associated to electric scooter.

• May 2023 - Shed fire, caused by Lithium battery associated to a toy car.

4. Zero incidents in 2021.

5. One incident in June 2022. Caused by damaged caused to Lithium battery by scrap handling machine.

6. One incident in February 2023. Caused by Lithium battery combusting within scrap metal.

Reference number
Date request received
30 October 2023
Date of decision
13 November 2023