The village of Brant Broughton - Find a freedom of information request


Given the village of Brant Broughton has its own fire station please can you answer:

1 a) can you provide an operational reason why the fire service refused an emergency call to assist in the removal on a single elderly pensioner from a house being actively flooded over the period of the evening of October 20th to the early morning on October 21st

1 b) given the refusal, please provide what level of threat is required to an individual or group to receive any help


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1a) When receiving large volume of calls for adverse weather conditions, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue operate under 'spate conditions'.

This term refers to interim arrangements that have to be implemented where amendments to mobilising procedures need to be considered due to the volume of calls being received by the Service.

Under these conditions Control Room staff have to assess each call as its received and make decisions based on information provided.

LFR will always prioritise calls where a life risk is identified and following initial advice of asking if the caller can help themselves, would not refuse to attend.

Our (LFR) records show that when information was received that outlined a potential risk to life LFR responded. b) As explained above, when in 'spate conditions' calls are assessed against a criterion, where we would be identifying calls with a perceived life risk.

Appropriate resources are then assigned and mobilised to manage the incident

Reference number
FOI 8174922
Date request received
Date of decision