The emissions from biomass fuelled electricity generating plants - Find a freedom of information request


I am a research associate at Imperial College London working on a project to assess the emissions from biomass fuelled electricity generating plants.

I am interested in obtaining the Air Quality Assessment that was submitted as part of the Environment Statement for the planning application PL\0245\09. I have looked on the Lincolnshire planning register where I found several documents associated with this planning application (including the committee report attached which makes reference to the air quality assessment), but there doesn't seem to be a copy of the Air Quality Assessment or Environmental Statement available to download. If it's possible to send me a copy it would be greatly appreciated.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached a copy of the original Air Quality Assessment that formed part of the Environmental Statement supporting planning application reference PL/0245/09 (permission reference: B/0477/09).

Given the age of this application I’m afraid we no longer have this available online to view.

Please note the development subject of permission B/0477/09 has been amended several times since planning permission was first granted and this was resulted in new permissions being granted which amended and varied conditions attached to the original permission. These permissions are set out below and two of these resulted in changes that required new, updated Air Quality Assessments to submitted in support of those applications. I have therefore attached copies of these assessments for completeness.




PL/0245/09 (B/0477/09)



To construct a gasification power station comprising: gasification plant; turbine house; air cooled condenser; waste timber delivery, storage and preparation building; sewage sludge delivery, drying and storage building; combined two-storey office, control room and workshop building; weigh bridge and site security building; site security fence; surfaced vehicle manoeuvring and parking area; and construction of access

Air Quality Assessment attached - Boston_AQ_ predicted ADM modelling V1

PL/0243/14 (B/0387/14)


To vary condition 2 of planning permission B/0477/09: To relocate the office building and reduce the size and use of the approved sewage sludge treatment building to a maintenance/workshop

PL/0060/16 (B/203/16)


To vary conditions 2 and 5 of planning permission B/0387/14 - To allow changes to the gasification plant and buildings and to allow deliveries on Saturdays

PL/0132/16 (B/0435/16)


To vary condition 2 of planning permission B/0203/16 (approved documents and plans) to reduce the stack height from 60m to 44m, relocate ash storage tanks within the site and amendments to the air cooled condenser building (minor material amendments)

Updated Air Quality Assessment attached - Appendix 2 Air Quality Assessment 120916

PL/0015/17 (B/0051/17)


To vary condition 3 of planning permission B/0435/16 to extend the range of permitted feedstock materials including the use of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

Updated Air Quality Assessment attached - Air Quality Assessment (2016) Appx 3 FULL

 Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 8152965
Date request received
Date of decision