Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and schools in terms of energy procurement and decarbonisation - Find a freedom of information request


I would be grateful if you could assist my research into the relationship between Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and schools in terms of energy procurement and decarbonisation. The below information may be held by a department responsible for energy/sustainability.


1. How many Maintained schools are in your LEA area?

Energy Procurement:

How do you support schools in your area with procuring energy? In particular for Maintained Schools, do you: -

2. Allow schools to be part of your own corporate energy contracts (Y/N)

3. Manage school energy procurement in bulk, outside of your own corporate contract (Y/

4. Advise or recommend 3rd party frameworks or brokers (Y/N)

a. If so, which 3rd parties or frameworks(s)?

b. If the 3rd party is a broker what process was undertaken to appoint or recommend them?

5. How do you support non-maintained schools such as Academies?

6. Any other Comments

Energy savings and Decarbonisation:

How do you support schools in your area with procuring energy? In particular for Maintained Schools, do you: -

7. Include schools within your organisational carbon reduction or net zero targets? (Y/N)

8. Consider schools as a part of your Corporate Estate and plan actions at schools alongside (say) civic offices? (Y/N)

9. Offer a free service open to all maintained schools to help them reduce energy use and move towards net zero carbon? (Y/N)

10. Offer a chargeable service open to maintained schools to help them reduce energy use and move towards net zero carbon? (Y/N)

11. Provide an energy monitoring service to schools? (Y/N)

12. We do not provide energy or carbon saving support to maintained schools (T/F)

13. How do you support non-maintained schools such as Academies with Energy and Carbon Reduction?

14. Any other comments?

Solar PV Panels:

Regarding rooftop solar panels in, how do you support Maintained schools in your area? In particular, do you: -

15. Provide a LEA operated scheme or service to install widespread solar panels? (Y/N)

16. Support schools utilising 3rd party solar schemes which fund solar panels (such as rent a roof or PPA)? (Y/N)

a. If so, which 3rd party schemes have you supported?

17. Leave schools to develop their own plans and funding for rooftop solar panels? (Y/N)

18. Approximately what percentage (or how many) of Maintained schools in your area have solar panels already installed?

19. Any other comments?

LED Lighting

Regarding LED lighting installations, how do you support Maintained schools in your area? In particular, do you: -

20. Provide a LEA operated scheme or service to install LED lighting? (Y/N)

21. Support schools utilising 3rd party LED installation providers? (Y/N)

a. If so, which 3rd parties do you support?

22. Leave schools to develop their own plans and funding for LED lighting? (Y/N)

23. Approximately what percentage (or how many) of Maintained schools in your area have LED lighting already installed?

24. Any other comments?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 174 (as at 28/09/23)

Energy Procurement:

2. Y

3. N

4. Y

a. ESPO Energy Frameworks for Gas and Electricity

b. N/a

5. Only upon request by referring them to the ESPO energy frameworks

6. The FOI Act is for recorded information only

Energy savings and Decarbonisation:

7. Y – LCC include maintained schools in the targets

8. Y – maintained schools only

9. LCC work with maintained schools on energy and carbon reduction

10. N

11. Y

12. F

13. LCC do not support academies on these issues

14. The FOI Act is for recorded information only

Solar PV Panels:

15-18. LCC don’t have specific schemes on these issues and don’t hold the data in the format required on Solar PV Panels

19. The FOI Act is for recorded information only

LED Lighting

20-23. LCC don’t have specific schemes on these issues and don’t hold the data in the format required on LED Lighting.

24. The FOI Act is for recorded information only

Reference number
FOI 7866377
Date request received
Date of decision