Fixed period exclusion (suspension) due to threat of use of an offensive weapon or prohibited item - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you state how many children within your authority were (i) given a fixed period exclusion (suspension), and (ii) permanently excluded from school (expelled) where a reason was recorded as  being 'Use or threat of use of an offensive weapon or prohibited item' in the 2022/23 academic year?

2. Please could you provide me with a one line summary of each incident referred to in Question 1 detailing (i) what the weapon was, (ii) if it was used or whether it was brandished, (iii) who the victim was - pupil, teacher or member of the public. 


I can confirm that some of the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. (i) 312

    (ii) 17

2. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold or collate this information.

    Please contact the schools directly

Reference number
FOI 7977581
Date request received
Date of decision