Looked After children for whom the Local Authority is the corporate parent - Find a freedom of information request


1. In total, how many Looked After children for whom your Local Authority is the corporate parent:

a) moved from one placement to a different placement  between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023

b) became a Looked After Child between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023

2. How many Looked After children for whom your Local Authority was the corporate parent, moved between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023 to: 

a placement that was more than 20 miles from either their home or their last placement

a placement that was 20 miles or less from their home or their last placement;

a placement for which the distance from home or their last placement is not known or recorded. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.


a) 10

b) 14


a) 7

b) 3

c) 0

Reference number
FOI 7903101
Date request received
Date of decision