Assisted Discharge and Support at Home service providers - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Specifically, I would like to request information regarding your Assisted Discharge and Support at Home Services.

For clarity, we are referring to those services where a third-party provider offer support, transport and settling services to patients to ensure an efficient, safe discharge which reduces the incidence of delayed or failed discharges.  Support at Home services are those where a third party provides a set period of support to patients recently discharged from hospital to increase independence and reduce the incidence of readmission.

1) Please advise who provides your Assisted Discharge and Support at Home services (Name of all providers) 

2) What is the annual value of the contract/s?

3) What is the duration of the contract/s?

4) What are the start and end dates of the contract (plus any potential extension periods)?

5) How many service users are supported through this contract on an annual basis?

6) What are the individual performance measures and KPIs on the contract? How is your provider performing against each performance measure and KPI? (%)

7) Who is the person responsible for managing your Assisted Discharge and Support at Home services?



Email address

Contact number



1. Lincolnshire County Council commissions services which directly support assisted discharge and provide support at home to those recently discharged.

These are:

• Home Based Reablement

• Active Recovery Beds

• Transitional Care Beds

• Lincolnshire Community Equipment Service (LCES)

Regarding the providers of the services, this information is publicly available. All LCC contracts can be found on the Contracts Register which is available at

You will need to register to access the Contracts Register but this is free to complete.

2. This information is publicly available. As a local authority, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is required to publish all its contracts over the value of £500. All LCC contracts can be found on the Contracts Register which is available at

You will need to register to access the Contracts Register but this is free to complete.

3. This information is publicly available. As a local authority, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is required to publish all its contracts over the value of £500. All LCC contracts can be found on the Contracts Register which is available at

You will need to register to access the Contracts Register but this is free to complete

4. This information is publicly available. As a local authority, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is required to publish all its contracts over the value of £500. All LCC contracts can be found on the Contracts Register which is available at

You will need to register to access the Contracts Register but this is free to complete

5. Home Based Reablement – there were 3,616 individuals accepted and entered the reablement service from hospital between September 2022 and August 2023

Active Recovery Beds – 399 were accepted into the service between December 2022 and August 2023.

Transitional Care Beds – 430 were accepted into the service following hospital referrals between April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2023.

LCES – 9,373 were supported with equipment in their homes or place of care in the last financial year (April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2023)

What are the individual performance measures and KPIs on the contract? How is your provider performing against each performance measure and KPI?

(%) Home Based Reablement – Attached

Active Recovery Beds – Attached

Transitional Care Beds – Attached

LCES – Attached

All providers are currently working either above KPI requirements, or within tolerance.

Regarding the provider performance against measures and KPIs, we have determined that disclosure of this information through FOIA would become available to any competitors in the market. We therefore consider that the information is commercially sensitive and would be likely to prejudice a providers commercial Interests. Section 43(2) of the Act exempts information where disclosure would or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any legal person, person meaning; an individual, a company, the public authority and any other legal entity. 

7. Contracts are managed by the Commercial Team People Services: Alina Hackney, Head of Commercial Services, People Services

Lead commissioner for the services: Afsaneh Sabouri, Assistant Director for Adult Frailty and Long Term Conditions

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 7846116
Date request received
Date of decision